Contact Us
The In Silico Biomechanics Laboratory (ISBL) is based at the National Center for Spinal Disorders in Budapest, Hungary
For general queries about the ISBL, please contact Dr. Peter Eltes.
In Silico Biomechanics Laboratory
National Center for Spinal Disorders
Building 4 (Building D/I)
Királyhágó u. 1-3
H-1126 Budapest, Hungary
Directions within Building 4 (D/I)
If you go ahead after entering the building, there will be stairs to your left. On the 1st floor, turn left and you will find the ISBL behind the 2nd door to your right.
Travel information to the National Center for Spinal Disorders
By public transport
You can most easily approach us by buses 102, 105, 140, 140A, 142, 212 trams 17, 61, 59, 59A, 59B and metro 2.
We highly recommend consulting Google Maps for detailed travel information, as it includes live public transportation data.
By car
The main entrance to the parking lot is located on the Királyhágó street side, which is a one way street, approachable from Alkotás street and Márvány street.
Car parking
The National Center for Spinal Disorders has a private parking lot, which you can use. Alternatively, you can park in Királyhágó street.